Chapter 5

Let's swing!

Piece of cake p. 88-89
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What are the characteristics of the Roaring Twenties in the USA?
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Get Ready

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What does it mean "roaring"? 

to roar = rugir

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Observe and complete the exercise. 

Google search : Roaring Twenties

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What are the characteristics of the Roaring Twenties in the USA? Tick the words which are characteristics of the Roaring Twenties.

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Discover the evolutions of jazz dance from the 1920s until now.

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Brainstorm different ways you move to music.

Swing your arms

Solve these anagrams, types of music related to jazz.
a) S / U / L / O
Let's swing! b) P / O / L / E / G / S
c) K / N / U / F
d) H / I / P / P / O / H
e) L / E / B / U / S
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Bonus question
Are the musicians you listen to ‘cool'? Explain why / why not.

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Check with this table what you already know.

Today, can you… Prove it! 🙂 🙁
describe with simple sentences?
In a Jazz band, there are
talk about past events?
Last year, I
Yesterday, we
use time markers? I moved to Chicago
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Observe and listen

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Look at the painting. What are the characters doing? List actions you see.

<stamp theme='esp-blue'>Doc. 1</stamp> Nightlife
Danita Delimont/Alamy

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Listen to the audio guide. Sum up what you know about the artwork.

Audio guide

    This is a
    ; it was painted by
    and represents a nightclub in the
    in the USA. It is a very
    painting which shows people
    in a
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    Bonus question
    Would you like to go to this speakeasy? Why / why not?

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    Let's have fun

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    Listen to the recording. Find words with an “o” pronounced like.

    Ken Allan, “The Roaring ‘20s”

    Ken Allan, “The Roaring ‘20s”

    The flappers all danced while the bootleggers fought
    In a decade that roared with social amends
    When jazz was played cool and the booze was served hot.
    As moral suppression and greed declared war,
    Young women found freedom by flaunting new trends

    a) /əʊ/ → 

    b) /ɔː/ → 

    c) /aʊ/ → 

    d) /ɒ/ → 

    e) /uː/ → 

    f)/ → 

    g) /ɪ/ → 

    h) /ə/ →